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Successfully catched domain names

We catch for you ..

.de Domains
.eu Domains
.be Domains
.ch Domains
.at Domains
Next end of ordering
Monday, 17. Mar 2025 14:00 o'clock
More than ...
31530 deleted .de domain names,
11352 deleted .eu domain names,
2172 deleted .be domain names,
2148 deleted .at domain names,
5949 deleted .ch domain names
... in the current auction list. Domain Services GmbH Domain Services GmbH
  Every day thousands of domains are deleted and therefore become available again.

Domains are deleted for various reasons: Either the former owner has no use for it any longer or the provider is deleting the domain because of nonpayment. Those domain names can be quite interesting for re-registration.

Why should I register deleted domains?
Either the domains are generic domains (= descriptive domains eg. or the domains are already registered under its' other classic extensions like the CNOBI-extensions (.com .net .org .biz .info) and possibly in other country-specific extensions (.de .at .ch ...). But even existing backlinks - respectively to be expected visitors (keyword: "Traffic") - could be a good reason to register such domains.

How do I register deleted domains again?

After domains have been deleted it is usual for many domain extensions to get "locked" or put in "quarantine" for a specific period of time by the registry.

Only after this period of time the domain is effectively deleted ("drops") and can be registered again. Interesting domain names however can often not be re-registered in conventional ways through your standard internet provider.

That's the point: We have a special system - a so called "Catcher"

We offer you for selected domain-extensions (TLDs) exactly such a system. It monitors when your pre-ordered domain becomes available for real (drops) and tries to register it for you this very moment.

You can pre-order deleted domains with domain-extensions supported by us before they become available ("drop") again. Orders can be placed into our auction-system, end of bidding is once per week - always Monday 2:00 pm.

Every Week you will find a NEW, extensive list of locked domains to browse through and order the domain of your choice.
You will find different key numbers assigned with every domain to help you find your selection.

You only pay when we were actually able to register your ordered domains. No costs for unsuccessful attempts to register a domain!

For more information please have a look at our FAQ.